Client Formula
You can use any formula as below, just replace all names with your actual column/field name for formula to work.
Basic Operations
Use these formulas in your table columns to perform calculations.
{price} + {tax} // Add tax to price, replace price, tax with your actual field
{quantity} + 10 // Add fixed value
{q1} + {q2} + {q3} // Sum multiple columns
{total} - {discount} // Subtract discount, replace total, discount with your actual field
100 - {used} // Subtract from fixed value
{opening} - {closing} // Calculate difference
{quantity} * {price} // Calculate total replace quantity, price with your actual field
{hours} * 24 // Multiply by fixed value
{length} * {width} // Calculate area
{total} / {count} // Calculate average replace total, count with your actual field
{amount} / 100 // Convert to percentage
{sales} / 12 // Monthly average
Combined Operations
Combine multiple operations for complex calculations:
({price} + {tax}) * {quantity} // Total with tax replace price, tax & quantity with your actual field
{total} - ({price} * 0.1) // Apply 10% discount
({revenue} - {cost}) / {revenue} * 100 // Profit margin percentage
Useful Functions
Absolute Values
abs({profit}) // Convert negative to positive replace profit with your actual field
abs({target} - {actual}) // Difference magnitude
round({number}) // Round to nearest integer, replace number with your field name
round({number},1) // Round to single decimal
round({number},2) // Round to double decimal
round({price} * 1.18) // Round after calculation, Price is your field name
if({amount} > 1000, {amount} * 0.9, {amount}) // Bulk discount
if({stock} < 0, 0, {stock}) // Minimum zero
Real Examples
Invoice Calculator
// Item Total
{quantity} * {unitPrice}
// Tax Calculation (18%)
{subtotal} * 0.18
// Final Amount
{subtotal} + {taxAmount}
Discount Calculator
// Discount Amount
{price} * {discountPercent} / 100
// Final Price
{price} - {discountAmount}
- Select fields from suggested names only when you start typing
- Use parentheses to control calculation order
- Always validate formulas with test data
- Use round() for currency calculations
Common Errors
- Column not found: Check column name spelling and case
- Division by zero: Add validation using if()
- Incorrect parentheses: Verify formula structure has context menu
📅 Date based Formulas Reference Guide
A comprehensive guide for working with dates in worksheet columns
🚀 Quick Reference
Operation | Formula | Result |
Add Days | dayjs(date).add(7, 'day') | Adds 7 days |
Subtract Months | dayjs(date).subtract(2, 'month') | Subtracts 2 months |
Date Difference | dayjs(endDate).diff(startDate, 'day') | Days between dates |
Format Date | dayjs(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD') | "2024-12-27" |
📌 Basic Date Operations
⏰ Adding Time
// Adding various time units
tomorrow = dayjs(date).add(1, 'day')
nextMonth = dayjs(date).add(1, 'month')
nextYear = dayjs(date).add(1, 'year')
later = dayjs(date).add(4, 'hour')
// Chaining operations
futureDate = dayjs(date)
.add(1, 'month')
.add(7, 'day')
.add(12, 'hour')
⏪ Subtracting Time
// Subtracting various time units
yesterday = dayjs(date).subtract(1, 'day')
lastMonth = dayjs(date).subtract(1, 'month')
lastYear = dayjs(date).subtract(1, 'year')
🧮 Date Calculations
📏 Date Differences
// Time spans between dates
daysDiff = dayjs(endDate).diff(startDate, 'day')
monthsDiff = dayjs(endDate).diff(startDate, 'month')
yearsDiff = dayjs(endDate).diff(startDate, 'year')
hoursDiff = dayjs(endDate).diff(startDate, 'hour')
💼 Business Days
// Working with business days
addBusinessDays = dayjs(date).businessAdd(5)
subtractBusinessDays = dayjs(date).businessSubtract(3)
businessDaysDiff = dayjs(endDate).businessDiff(startDate)
🎨 Date Formatting
📝 Common Patterns
// Various formatting options
dayjs(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD') // "2024-12-27"
dayjs(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') // "2024-12-27 15:30"
dayjs(date).format('MMMM YYYY') // "December 2024"
dayjs(date).format('dddd') // "Friday"
dayjs(date).format('DD/MM/YY') // "27/12/24"
✅ Validation & Queries
🔍 Date Comparisons
// Comparing dates
isBefore = dayjs(date1).isBefore(date2)
isAfter = dayjs(date1).isAfter(date2)
isSameOrBefore = dayjs(date1).isSameOrBefore(date2)
isSameOrAfter = dayjs(date1).isSameOrAfter(date2)
📊 Date Properties
// Extracting date components
dayOfMonth = dayjs(date).date() // 1-31
month = dayjs(date).month() // 0-11
year = dayjs(date).year() // 2024
dayOfWeek = dayjs(date).day() // 0-6
🌍 Time Zones
// Working with different time zones
nyTime = dayjs(date).tz('America/New_York')
localTime = dayjs(date).local()
utcTime = dayjs(date).utc()
🔗 Working with Field References
Using Field References in Formulas
When writing formulas in worksheet columns, use curly brackets
to reference other fields in your table.
// Calculate days between two date fields
dayjs({endDate}).diff(dayjs({startDate}), 'day')
// Add days to a date field
dayjs({dueDate}).add(7, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD')
// Check if one date is after another
Practical Examples with Field References
// Calculate project duration
// If your fields are named 'projectStart' and 'projectEnd'
dayjs({projectEnd}).diff(dayjs({projectStart}), 'day')
// Calculate deadline
// If your field is named 'assignedDate'
dayjs({assignedDate}).add(14, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD')
// Check if task is overdue
// If your fields are named 'currentStatus' and 'dueDate'
dayjs().isAfter(dayjs({dueDate})) && {currentStatus} !== 'Completed'
// Calculate days until deadline
// If your field is named 'deadline'
dayjs({deadline}).diff(dayjs(), 'day')
// Format date for display
// If your field is named 'createdAt'
dayjs({createdAt}).format('MMMM D, YYYY')
Complex Field Reference Examples
// Calculate business days between dates
// Fields: 'startDate' and 'endDate'
// Check if date is within range
// Fields: 'targetDate', 'rangeStart', 'rangeEnd'
dayjs({targetDate}).isBetween(dayjs({rangeStart}), dayjs({rangeEnd}))
// Calculate fiscal quarter
// Field: 'transactionDate'
// Add business days to a date
// Field: 'submissionDate'
🎯 Best Practices
Always Validate Inputs
processDate = (date) => {
if (!dayjs(date).isValid()) {
return 'Invalid Date'
// Process valid date
Handle Null Values
safeDateDiff = (start, end) => {
if (!start || !end) return null
return dayjs(end).diff(dayjs(start), 'day')
Use Consistent Formats
// Store in ISO, display in local format
storeDate = dayjs(date).toISOString()
displayDate = dayjs(storeDate).format('L')
🚫 Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Not Checking Validity
// ❌ Wrong
let age = dayjs().diff(birthDate, 'year')
// ✅ Right
let age = dayjs(birthDate).isValid()
? dayjs().diff(birthDate, 'year')
: null
Mutating Date Objects
// ❌ Wrong
let date = dayjs()
date.add(1, 'day') // This doesn't modify the original
// ✅ Right
let date = dayjs()
date = date.add(1, 'day') // Reassign the result
Forgetting Timezone Handling
// ❌ Wrong
let date = dayjs(userInput)
// ✅ Right
let date = dayjs(userInput).tz(userTimezone)