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Upload Excel Sheet

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a contact sheet using an existing Excel sheet on your desktop. Follow these steps to upload your Excel sheet and configure it correctly.


Step 1

Begin by navigating to the plus icon near the worksheets. Click on the plus icon, select "Worksheet," and then click "Add New."

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Step 2

Name the new worksheet "Contacts." Next, click on the "Upload" button. Unlike the previous tutorial where we manually created a worksheet, this time we will upload an existing Excel sheet.

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Step 3

A window will open, allowing you to upload your sheet. For this tutorial, we will upload a contact sheet from the desktop.

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Step 4

Once the contact sheet is uploaded, click on "Create." The uploaded worksheet will display all the columns of your sheet.

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Step 5

Assume the sheet has three columns: contact person, phone, and email. Select the data type for each column accordingly. Most data types like text and number are straightforward. For example, set "contact person" as text, "phone" as a number, and "email" as text.

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Step 6

If you have a date column, make sure to verify the data type. Ensure your date column is correctly identified as a date type. Once verified, click on "Import" to upload the sheet to the server.

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Step 7

After the sheet is imported, you will see the name, phone, and email columns. If you wish to add more columns, you are free to do so. You can also cross-check with your sample sheet and verify the data types. Click on the small icon and then "Edit" to see the details.

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Step 8

Confirm that "contact person" is set as text, then close this window.

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Step 9

Click on "phone" and then "Edit" to confirm that it is set to numbers. If needed, you can change the number data type to phone numbers and update accordingly. After updating, the numbers should reflect correctly as phone numbers.

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Step 10

Similarly, verify that the "email" column is treated as text. You can change the data type if necessary by clicking on "Edit" and setting it to email.

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Step 11

Update the column to the email data type and save the changes. This concludes the process of uploading and configuring your contact sheet. Stay tuned for the next tutorial where we will cover additional topics.

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